
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I got 99 problems, but a time controlling wizard isn't one

Alternate Title: Temp Hiatus

I know, I know.  I said I'd do both NaNoWriMo updates and blog posts.  This is me saying that won't continue.

I lie.  It happens.  I don't regret anything.

Turns out I had another big project to do in November- I'll be presenting research at a local conference for that sort of thing.  I'd invite you guys, but its all mainly about math.  I'm pretty sure the boredom alone would cause you to rip your own spinal columns in protest.

Actually, if you do that, I will be all kinds of impressed.  Bet the 99% can't do that.

On top of that, I sorta procrastinated on two big coding assignments for my computer science classes here at school.  I have to code what is essentially twitter, and what is essentially dropbox.  Turns out both pieces of software are rather tricky to mimic.  Even writing the cheap Chinese bootleg edition is becoming more and more of a challenge.  And there are only 24 hours in a day, and I still have NaNoWriMo, math students, my other classes and the pale scrapes of human to human contact I call a social life to attend to.

Things may clear up after next week- so either expect regular posting then, or at the beginning of December.  Until then, the NaNoWriMo page will still be updated on a near-daily basis, so check back for the latest chapter in my epic fantasy.

This is not me giving up on the blog, hell no. I've got enough websites I want to do posts on to fill an entire favorites list of the technologically retarded, bizarre and wonderful.  And I do plan on telling you about all of it.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Coffee: even more amazing when you fudge data

I'm a big fan of caffeine  Huge fan.  Hell, I might be caffeine's biggest fan.  Yes, I know its an addictive drug, and yes, I'm probably addicted to it.

Doesn't everyone drink 24oz or so of coffee in the morning?  No?  huh.

I did have a lot of factors working against me, though.  I'm a computer science student after all- it would be weird if I didn't consume caffeine and cold pizza in massive, near lethal amounts.  Those are the two great things that fuel good code, after all.

For high octane code fuel, add nicotine and a touch of booze

At any rate, going a day without coffee to me is almost an alien concept.  I still do it every once and a while, but all in all, its something I generally avoid.  So, you can imagine how I felt when I found a study that claimed coffee is an antidepressant.... in women.  At first, I felt elated (COFFEE IS GOOD FOR MEEEEE) then cheated (only if I had a vagina) then curious (why does having a vagina make coffee good for you?)

I know, men and women are different and not all chemical reactions work the same on them.  I'm not retarded, but it did seem kinda odd that caffeine, a drug that works on several chemical signals your body uses to figure out if it wants to sleep or not, would work differently across genders.  Everyone gets tired, after all, and generally at the same rate.

Well, aside from Batman.  The Dark Night never sleeps

Turns out, sadly, that some people just suck at science.  Someone, who wasn't a equal opportunity hire from the media, took a long hard look at the paper.  First, all the women in question were nurses.  Which, unless I am far mistaken about the other gender, isn't actually a job that most women hold.  So, to correlate your findings with nurses across all women means you probably need to go meet some real women.

The main problem, however, is that the depression correlation isn't the only one the researches found... they found a whole lot of correlations between nurses habits and the amount of coffee they drunk.  The most hilarious one being that heavy coffee drinkers are less likely to attend church.

So, clearly, coffee prevents religion.  Which might explain why I will curse at any higher power I can think off when I'm pulling an all nighter at 3am.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

And some of us should have our Internet taken away

First things first, look up there.

See that shiny new awesome page link up there?  That's where the novel will be posted.  I'll just tack on more and more paragraphs as I go, and by the end of it, I should have a text file so large that Blogger better give me a complaint e-mail.

And I think that wraps up today's post.  Go check out the NaNoWriMo stuff.  Its awesome.  Ta da!  Done!

What do you mean you want a normal post?  What the hell do you think I am, a attention whore who only writes a blog because he prays that the Internet will somehow magically find it and make him famous for 3 seconds?

Well, that is all true, but that... oh.  Yeah, I guess I should keep this going if I want to keep what readership I have.  So, what shall I rant about today?  hmm...  people doing strange things?  nah.  Robots?  Nah.  Oh, I know, I'll do both!  Lets look at the Internet.

The Internet: Strange People, Robots and Porn

As most of you probably know, the Internet is full of crazy people spouting off crazy things.  Most of the time its all pretty harmless, usually just passes about your mother's colorful life, references to that proverbial whore "she" or some of the best insults you've ever heard.

However, every once and a while, crazy decides to up its game.  Take it to the next level of "what-the-fuck-are-you-serious-right-now".  This time the retarded has inflicted a particular Judi McLeod, as she has decided to rant and rave about something very minor.  It would seem that on November 9th, the FCC is going to perform a nationwide test of the EAS (Emergency Alert System).

It'll last for about 3 minutes, in which, apparently. will cause motorists to spontaneously crash as they check their radios.  Because... people still listen use their radios?   Also, this is clearly a government plan because of the fact that when you look at the date the way the Europeans do, it looks like 9/11!  HOLY SHIT.  STOP THE MOTHERFUCKING PRESSES.  Oh wait, the FCC is apparently doing that for 3 whole minutes.  Which, clearly, will cause everyone to die!

Also, this lady is tragically misinformed about how the Internet is privately owned, and therefore not regulated by the FCC and can't be shut down for an EAS test.  But you know, deducing that would require the use of sense and sanity which this woman clearly lacks.

To be fair, most of the denizens of the Internet also lack those things

However, if you want to really dive into crazy, try the comments section.  That'll fill your crazy person quota for months.  And hopefully, most of those people are just being assholes for the sake of being an asshole and  not being held accountable for it.  Still, even one of those people has enough crazy to fill a small town in a Steven King novel.