
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Birds: Only Getting Smarter

We generally seem to understand which species will probably rise up to murder us.   Not that there are that many- as a race, humans are pretty damn good at killing the fuck out of Nature.  And to be honest, nine times out of ten, mother nature probably deserves it.  Because mother nature is a bit of a dick.

I sorta blame Mother Nature for The Happening.   Just a little bit.
I mean, you've got to keep tabs on the primates, because even though we evolved from them, you never know when they might get funny and decide to try evolution again.   You know, like a family that randomly decides to have a second child after the first is throwing up on them.

And then you got termites, which are terrifying because they build 30-foot tall mega cities, complete with vents for crude AC.  And the various horrors that live under the ocean, that if they were to gain any sort of higher brain function, would take over the Earth in a matter of seconds.

This is not an Elder God.  It actually exists, right now.
However, if you ask me, Hitchcock was on to something with The Birds.

It turns out that not only can crows recognize and remember human faces (so, if you ever cheat a crow out of a bet, that crow knows its you, and will probably peck your eyes out), but they also can use metatools (tools meant to manipulate other tools) also known as simple machines.

This puts crows on the level of humans, primates and elephants in cognitive tool use.  Also known as FUCK, THE BIRD THAT KNOWS MY FACE CAN FIGURE OUT A SPEAR.

You might think that this was an isolated development, that one crow just got really damn lucky a few times. Well, your goddamn wrong because crows can learn from each other.  So, that fucking crow that know and remembers your face, that knows how a spear works has already told all its friends.  And now they're all out to get you.

The crow, right before they start a new sky empire and destroy humanity.

1 comment:

  1. (I feel the need to not so secretly share that I always wanted a pet crow and when I was 11 I presented my parents with a presentation why that should be my next pet. I believe my mother's response was something along the lines of: 'Oh dear, no. They're murderers.')
