
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

November is just around the corner....

Yay November!  That fantastic month when any and all summer cheer is over, the thrill of starting fall has closed and the only thing we have to look forward to is that awkward holiday when we over eat with relatives we don't like.

Seriously, November kinda sucks.  By this point, students are well into the grind at school, people who work in windowless cubicles are now going entire days without any real sunlight, and aspiring writers are trying to write a 50,000 word novel in a month.

Wait, what?

For those of you who don't know, Nation Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo for short) is November.  I'll be participating again this year.  So, between the 16 credit hour course load, the 10 hour a week part time research job, practicing for the wind ensemble I'm a part of, tutoring math, and providing home cooked meals to my fellow broke-ass students, trying to get 1,600 (plus some spare change) coherent words a day written makes me really mad at the Chinese physicists that have proven you can't go faster than the speed of light, thus ruining my current plan for inventing time travel.

Way to go, China.  Always ruining everything, aren't you.*

To sum up my emotional state in a picture:

Its OK, Twilight Sparkle.  At least you're still classy enough to keep using a glass.

 It will be a bit hard to find the time to try to write any new content for the blog.  But, I don't want to leave you, my dear reader(s) hanging.  Thus, I have decided to unveil a glorious new plan for the month of November:

I will post segments of the novel as I write it here in its own section for November and resume normal posting when I'm done with this affront to English grammar.  The NaNoWriMo section will be updated daily, not only so you can see what its like to mangle a language as it happens, but it will also keep me from quitting like a pansy.

However, that being said, I exist to please.  If there is a motion to continue with the normal posting schedule, I have a pretty kickin' backlog.   Yep.  Nice big backlog.  It's massive.  Right over here.  Somewhere.

I should stop telling blatant lies.  

I really do think I can keep both going, however.  And, if worse comes to worse, the human body can survive for 11 days without sleep. Should be pretty good.

All in all, for one month only, things are going to get a little weird.  Happy November!

*I was just kidding, of course.  You're awesome China.  Please don't hack my blog


  1. I feel your pain. I really do...JUST managed to finish that stupid essay, and I know it is going to suck.

    I think the picture suits my emotional state too. lol

  2. Yeah, my story telling teacher is kinda pushing that NaNoWriMo thingy on us.

    I honestly don't know how you do it though, Johno. You sure you didn't actually discover time travel and you just aren't telling us? Because, that sounds like a ridiculous work load considering how many of those things are recreational.

    But hey, I love these blogs, so don't sop writing them.

  3. If you are okay with me constantly flaming you about your grammar and spelling, I may just have to keep up with this.

    That is, if I'm not too busy writing one of my own.

    THAT is, if I have a damned computer by November 1st.

  4. you can do it pags. i might have to take up this glorious challenge as well..

    keep updating this blog, you entertain me on FB all the time

  5. I'm up on this, NaNo being the mainstay of the blogs for a while. And I will make an effort to read them, comment on them, and thus fuel your writery engine-ings. :)

    Side note: I don't hate November all that much, yo My family's all tight-knit (even the extended) so we have wonderful Thanksgivings; I actually like the cooler pre-winter weather, to the chagrin of my many twig-shaped friends; and sometimes this is around the time when course material gets interesting (subjective, I know). Valid points you make on it, though. yar

    Best of luck with your writing adventure, J-Pag; got a topic in mind for your epic?

  6. Maybe I can write a book with you? :)

  7. You know, you still haven't shown us your last you said you would lol.
