
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Passing of one of the greats

For those of you whose Facebook feeds didn't spontaneously explode, Steve Jobs passed away yesterday.  And if you have even the slightest bit of nerd in you (hint: you do) than this is a very, very sad event.  This was a man who was, in a way, primarily responsible for the nerd dominated culture of today.

Oh, don't look at me that way.  We live in an age where it is very, very good to be a nerd.  The fact that I still exist in any capacity is proof of this- if I lived in an 80's high school, the jocks would have stuffed my ass in a locker so fast, I would end up in the locker before they first thought about putting me in there.

I'm sorry I just violated special relativity for a shitty joke, Einstein.  I really am.  It won't happen again.

And the reason why it is so good to be a nerd?  Jobs.  He was a man with a plan- a visionary, if you will.  You can blame Bill Gates for getting a computer in every office, but Jobs was the one to make computing and computers cool.  He was the one to put a computer in every dorm room.  Seriously- computers didn't really get cool until after the ipod came out and you could store an entire building of 45's on something that could fit in your pocket.

Jobs has always been on the front end of successful technologies long before the iPhone.  After all, the Macintosh was the first really successful home computer, and it also pioneered the graphical user interface we use today- on any operating system.  So, the reason the recycling bin looks the way it does?  That's Job's fault.

But mostly, Jobs believed in getting products people actually wanted to use.  And it payed off- who here doesn't use an iPod for playing mp3's on the go?  The answer is very, very few of you.  And judging from how my Facebook feed was squeeing over the new iOS, I'd say Apple is alive and well in the mobile department.

But despite all these fantastic things, Jobs I think can be best remembered for this: he knew he was visionary.  From the very start, Jobs knew he was going to change the world.  And he did- by designing sleek, useful and easy to use products, he made computing cool.

So, thank you Steve Jobs.  Thanks for my friends.

So... in heaven... does the iPhone support Flash?  Cause that would be sweet.

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